Walking through the Flint Hills of Kansas or even the Tallgrass National Prairie Reserve makes you feel like you are back in the early days of the Chislom Trail. This Western Cowboy Coffee will give you the giddy-up you need to explore! It is bold, very dark, and will knock you off your horse if you’re not paying attention. So, saddle up and enjoy this gourmet coffee!

Shop for Kansas Cowboy HERE
I simply adore Toni from Chase County Kansas. Her county has 2,400 people in it and I think she introduced me to 2,200 of them, LOL!
While the population is small, the area has a mighty impressive list of reasons to visit.
Beautiful outdoor experiences. Incredible food. Astounding history. Fantastic people. And so. much. more.
Just check out a few of the articles I have written about the area: