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Art is a great way to express oneself and though many may not understand it sometimes, it has a meaning from which it was created. Ever heard the phrase “A picture is worth a thousand words”? Well, this is the idea that the Fort Wayne Indiana Public Art Program is yearning to express and put forward. Implementing a different form of communication is a great way to expand how one socialize and connect. Expand your global reach to others through the use of small paintbrushes, some paint, and a few colored inks. But how effective will it be and how will kids get to benefit from the true meaning of the power of art?
Indulge Your Senses with the Fort Wayne Indiana Public Art Program
One thing that really blew me away when I was in Fort Wayne, was how rich the city is in art culture. Actively cultivated, there is a large variety of venues to experience various different art forms. The way art is so accesable to all? It is just another layer to Fort Wayne that makes you love it even more.
I particularly love the Fort Wayne Museum of Art for simple things like lightweight, portable chairs, for those who can’t stand long but want to enjoy the gallery. They also have a program for memory care patients and their caregivers once a month. While our tour guide tried to down play it by saying they simply copied another gallery,
I found it very touching as my own mother has Alzheimers. Music can trigger memories, pictures can trigger memories, and art? It is one of the most basic displays of human emotion that we share as humans. It literally brought tears to my eyes just picturing the event she described…
That is all part of why I love the Fort Wayne Public Art Program, and it’s mission so much. They are getting so many people involved, and on so many different levels.

Fort Wayne Public Indiana Art Program is a great way to get children and adults alike out of their comfort zone and trying something new. The program, which is overseen by a 13-member volunteer body, will be the guide through which those who desire to send a message through art will be commissioned.
They will govern the actions carried out in the program to ensure all is as per the state’s requirements. Also, they will be the “go-to” team for other entities who desire to join in on the art legacy to enhance not only the beauty of the community but to connect its residents.
Granted the full go-ahead in March 2018 by Mayor Thomas C. Henry and Fort Wayne City Council, we can see the start of greatness coming from the youths of the community. The granted permissions will also see visitors getting a chance to enhance the overall look of the area. They give the chance to professional artists to integrate their talent on public spaces in a fun experience. Are you an art lover or know someone who would do well with exploring their hidden talent? Well, on your next trip to the Indiana City, this is a must-do on your bucket list!

Benefits of Participating in the Fort Wayne Indiana Public Art Program
Getting those artists out will give them a chance to contribute to the positive of the Fort Wayne Community. As they participate, they will enhance the City through…
Enhance the beauty of the Community
Too many times we see the negatives associated with a particular location because there is nothing that speaks life and connection. As true heart comes out, it will enhance the overall look of the area and will bring in art lovers from all across the globe. All this positive energy will be a boost for the area.
The reputation of the community, its brand and stature will grow stronger
When the community can exert positive messages through their art, the strength of the community will be fortified. There is no negative energy that would be able to stand or diminish the true image of what the community is.
Promote diversity in a small area
Just imagine your friends coming from all across the globe, different cultural backgrounds and incorporating all that love and connection in one? The diverse energy and pieces of art will bring light to living in as one no matter where you are from.
Everyone gets a chance
No matter who you are or where you are from, there is a chance for you to be a part of this growth and development program. The program is open to all citizens of the city once they abide by the guidelines for the kind of art that is accepted. Ans who can view the finished project and bask in the endless beauty? Everyone!

The city’s history will be preserved
Art is a great way to preserve what is important to you and your area. The history of the city through art will give access to everyone in understanding where the city is coming from and the growth it will live through for the years to come.
Opening the gates to a diverse cultural ethnicity
“We are a people under one umbrella” is a motto the city is looking to pursue through their art program. You can come in from all over the globe and just be a part of a fun experience which gives you the free will to be happy at what you do and love.
The Fort Wayne Indiana Art program is also a great way to improve the overall feel of the city to encourage and support the growth of tourism and rich cultural exchange. For sure, seeing something that gives you the inspiration to live and do your job will get the ‘high-five’ as it guarantees inner peace and serenity. But how does this all come together in making you enjoy your vacation to the city? You get to be a part of a program that changes the city for good in the eyes of the world. It allows exploring more than you expect with the only limitation being yourself from participation in positive change.
As you visit with the kids, let them join in on the program and get a satisfying inner peace that they have contributed to something great!
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