History of the Eau Claire Sunflowers

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The state of Wisconsin is full of beautiful places, and if you love to visit off-beat places too, then just read on. On your next trip to Wisconsin, you must stop at the Magnificent Eau Claire Sunflowers Field. It is 4.5 miles long and definitely deserves a visit. Once you are here, you will feel that you have come to a fairy tale place.

If you are driving down State Road 85 in late summer, then the chances are that you will come across the most colorful creations in the state. There is a field of yellow sunflowers on a patch of farmland right next to the road. Babbette Jaquish is probably the biggest fan of these flowers! Her husband, Don Jaquish, used to say that her wife loved all kinds of flowers but liked the sunflowers the most as they were known as happy flowers. Mrs. Jaquish convinced her husband to plant sunflowers, which he readily accepted. In a later interview, her daughter had said that her mother was like a sunflower herself, always smiling and bright looking.

History of the Eau Claire Sunflowers

Grief struck!

In 2006 Babbette Jaquish, of all people, was diagnosed with life-threatening multiple myeloma. Although the doctors predicted that she could only live for a couple of years, even if she responded well to the treatment, Babbette went on to live for eight and half years more and passed away in 2014. Her husband, Don, was distraught but vowed to keep her spirits alive.

How did the sunflower planting start?

In 2015 Don rented land from the neighboring farms and began to plant sunflowers. And we are not talking of a single field here; it was four and a half miles of sunflowers planted along the highway. He surrounded the State Road 85 in a sea of yellow color. It was sunflowers all around. Don was determined to let everybody know just how much he loved and cared for her.

This touching tribute went viral on social media, and emails started pouring from all corners of the word. The love shown by all touched Don. Overwhelmed by this massive response, Don and Jennifer White (daughter of Babbette) decided to do something more and go a step further.

The start of the fund-raising organization

Don and Jennifer started a not-for-profit organization to raise money for cancer research. The organization was named “Babbette’s Seeds of Hope.”. Since the deadly disease of cancer is more common nowadays, the organization could not have come at a better time. The biggest fundraiser event takes place every year in August.
It is during the time of the year that visitors can participate in the Sunflower Maze. This is really fun, and a person can pick his own sunflower. You can even buy sunflower seeds or take a horse or a wagon ride to tour the sunflower farm. All the proceeds from the event are donated to cancer charities.

Are the Eau Claire Sunflowers worth visiting?

The flowers in the sunflower field are in full bloom in the month of August, but people come here throughout the summer to take pictures, see the different birds and insects, and enjoy the magnificent sight. The flowers extend for miles and is a beautiful reminder to the lovely lady. You will surely be touched by the love of the couple and incredible work done by her husband now. We have all seen sunflowers in our lives never thought that these flowers could be a symbol for one man’s endless love for his wife. It may not be a fancied attraction in Wisconsin, but when you come here, you feel peace of mind and real happiness.

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