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A funny thing happened on our way to visit The Curiosity Cube when it stopped at Milwaukee, we found out our guest appearance included free passes for the whole family to Discovery World! I am not sure how we missed this amazing place in Wisconsin as Miss Sarah and I make a point of checking out all sorts of fun museums, etc. We even spent the night across the street at the Betty Brinn with our Girl Scout Troop a few years back!

While we didn’t have time to peruse the entire place, we put a great dent in the floor map. We chose to start on the aquarium side. Down to the lower level we went and were amazed at the way the exhibits were set up. Walk under a waterfall? Walk over a sunken treasure ship? Pet a Stingray? Pet a Sturgeon? See the differences between tropical and non-tropical waters? Check, check, check and check! You even walked through a mock submarine.

Up we went to the other side and the world of automation awaited us. I learned that I wouldn’t let Miss Sarah be my pilot because she kept crashing the plane in the simulation machine. When I took the girls upstairs to the “maker space” we realized that we lost the Mister.

Les Paul, a Milwaukee (Waukesha) legend, was featured in a detailed collection of his history, works and even guitars. The Mister was sucked in and read every single thing he could. The girls had picked a project off the Menu and were gluing away to their hearts content. It was neat to realize that the projects often change, making it wonderful for repeat visitors. During all of that, I found myself looking through the virtual telescope…seriously, there was soooo much to see and do, we have to go back for more.

You could easily spend the entire day at Discovery World, so it’s great that they have a snack bar on hand, right by the gift shop. We made sure to get our “pressed penny” for Miss Sarah’s collection before we headed out.

You can see for yourself about the Discovery Center and what it has to offer by checking out their website HERE.